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Daniele De Angelis

PostDoc, UNIROMA, Italy


Short BIO

I am an ecologist based at Sapienza University of Rome, where I have a post-doc position in Luigi Maiorano’s lab. I am particularly intrigued by the processes regulating species-habitat relationships, species distribution, animal movements and conservation. During the years of my PhD I investigated the environmental and human-related factors influencing the spatial patterns of a large carnivore in south-eastern Europe, and I became interested in many aspects regarding spatial modeling. Surprisingly, I discovered that besides being involved in field work (which I still love) I also enjoy coding very much (especially in R).

Role in AtlantECO

Within AtlantECO I am mainly involved in the activities of WP2, where I will collaborate with Meike Vogt, Fabio Benedetti, Dominic Eriksson, and Hugo Sarmento. In particular, I am part of the mapping task force, whose main aim is to produce spatial maps for the different types of data collected within the project and to assemble variables that will be used by AtlantECO partners in other working packages. Currently, I am contributing to the development of a user friendly pipeline for producing and evaluating spatial models from different types of occurrence data.

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