Short BIO
I hold a degree in Oceanography from the Universidad de Vigo and a Ph.D. in Ecology and Animal Biology with a thesis entitled “Cryopreservation of marine invertebrate early-life stages: applications in marine water quality assessment and aquaculture” (2014) that led to a patent P201400536 "Procedimiento para la criopreservación de embriones de erizo de mar y bioensayo asociado".
After several years as a Postdoctoral Research Associate at the University of Tennessee (USA), I currently work at the Universidad de Vigo as a Juan de la Cierva Postdoctoral researcher.
Role in AtlantECO
Within AtlantECO, my work is on biobanking. My research is part of the WP4 which involves sharing and advising on technological tools for the ex-situ maintenance of preserved samples.
I use sea urchins as model organisms to study and develop cryopreservation protocols for difficult cell types. I also work in improving Biobanking and preservation practices mostly focused on basic research, biodiversity conservation and aquaculture.