Short BIO
I am a bioinformatician at the Ecology of Marine Microorganisms group at ICM-CSIC. I am working with global marine metagenomics datasets, exploring the taxonomic and functional diversity of marine microbial communities through environmental genomics and transcriptomics, as well as the reconstruction and functional analysis of Metagenome Assembled Genomes and Single Amplified Genomes from marine ecosystems.
I am interested in High-Performance Computing applied to life sciences and I am the system administrator of Marbits, the marine bioinformatics core at ICM-CSIC.
Role in AtlantECO
Building the microbial gene catalog and provide access to the Atlantic Ocean metagenomes from the Malaspina expedition in the framework of WP2.
Bioinformatics tools: to explore the taxonomic and functional diversity of marine microbial communities through environmental genomics and transcriptomics, as well as the analysis and reconstruction of Metagenome Assembled Genomes (MAGs) and Single Amplified Genomes (SAGs) from marine ecosystems.